Crazy Fish

Crazy Fish 1.2″ Tipsy – Glowing & Chartreuse Silver (16pcs)


Availability: 15 in stock

The Crazy Fish Tipsy is a great finesse worm, designed to provide maximum movement from the slim tail. Whether fished on a small jig head, drop shot or split shot rig, it excels in tempting smaller predators (see rigging examples on photo). This is the micro version, measuring just 1.2 inches (30mm), perfect for tempting mini species. Laced with scent for added attraction, the Tipsy is a versatile and reliable lure that fish find difficult to ignore. Lures are nicely packaged to ensure they remain straight.

*Colour 89 ‘Glowing’ emits a nice glow in dark conditions. For best results, hold in front of a bright torch before use.

Length: 1.2″ (30mm)

Weight: 0.15g

Colour: 89 Glowing & 91 Chartreuse Silver (see photo)

Scent: Squid

Links to hooks/jig heads featured in photo:

AGM Finesse Jig Head 0.7g size 12

Profi-Blinker Insanity Hook – size 16

Gurza K-1002 Sode Hook – size 12

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